The wait is (almost) over!

On March 27th, decision letters will leave the Skidmore admissions office. Months and months of hard work culminate into one simple decision letter. Some applicants will be ecstatic when the mail arrives, most will be disappointed. This post is dedicated to all 7,400+ applicants this year, regardless of the decision letter you receive. We thank you for your patience through the entire application process. We hope all of you will find the right institution for you, and for some of you, we hope that institution is Skidmore.

Accepted students can sign up for an Accepted Candidates Day here.

Check out some of the Skidmore groups on facebook: Skidmore Class of 2012 (started by a Skidmore class of 2012 student) and Discovery Weekend at Skidmore (a page I maintain). You can also check out the video I posted on the Discovery Weekend page.

While my next few blogs will be geared toward accepted students, please know I have not forgotten about the students just beginning their college search process. I will include a few posts to help students navigate the college search process.

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