Discovery Weekend

This past weekend was Discovery Weekend at Skidmore, a program designed for (but not exclusively for) accepted students of color to become more familiar with Skidmore.

Skidmore has made incredible strides in diversity over the last few years. When I returned to work for Skidmore in 2003, the student of color population was about 13% of the student body. The class of 2011 has nearly 24% students of color, and I expect the class o 2012 to be even larger.
Prospective students should not judge a school's "diversity" by looking at percentages. Skidmore may have had only 13% students of color in 2003, but we were recognized in a national study as a model for success in regard to graduation and retention rates for students of color. We have a much larger percentage of under represented students now, but we have not compromised the retention and graduation we were applauded for in 2003. Here is another article about what is being called, "The Skidmore Model."

And of course- the requisite pictures for each blog post!

Professor Joshua Woodfork (in the stripes) at breakfast with a few Discovery Weekend students

Hanging out at Galactic Bowling

In front of Case Center

Hanging out with some of the Hawaiians on Discovery Tour:)

Link to all of my pictures are here and here

Catching Up

It has been a crazy few weeks so I apologize for not blogging recently!

A couple weeks ago, I had the honor of speaking at the High School of American Studies at Lehman College. We had a great discussion about the application review process!
A view from the back at HSAS' College night

A few days later, Stuyvesant High School brought eighty juniors to campus. I had a great time hanging out, answering questions, and eating in the dining hall!
Stuy students saying goodbye to Skidmore

The Filene Music Scholarship competition took place on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Congratulations to all of the finalists!

Two current students perform during a break in the competition!
Another current student performance

John Ashcroft

I went to the John Ashcroft lecture on campus last night. I am proud of Skidmore for bringing a controversial speaker to campus. I may not agree with much of anything he said, but I'm appreciative of the discourse and debate he brought to campus (even before he arrived). Events like this makes a small learning community so rewarding; students are able to hear, share, defend, and oppose ideas in an academic forum.

I think his lecture would have been more appropriately tittled "Defending the Patriot Act," as opposed to, "Leadership in difficult times."

I watched from a simulcast of the lecture in Case Center.

Thank you

Now that you have received your decision letter, please take the time to do the following:

Thank your teachers (especially the ones who wrote recommendation letters for you)!

Thank your guidance counselor/college counselor. He/she was much busier than you might think!

Last but not least, thank your parents!

Students at Mid-Pac pose with the counseling staff and admission counselors from Agnes Scott, Colby and Kenyon.