Singapore American School and UWC SEA

I started the day with breakfast poolside. I opted for the traditional Asian breakfast called Congee, or rice porridge. I met up with the rest of the "six pack" where our "poet laureate" kicked off our group meeting with an original poem reflecting upon our adventures thus far. Larry sharing his poetic verse with the group.

Our first visit was to Singapore American School. It is the largest International school in the world with a enrollment of 3800 students. It was a terrific visit and I met a good number of students eager to find out more about Skidmore. We then rushed off to UWC SEA (South East Asia). It was our second UWC school in a few days, and as expected the students we met with were incredible.

After our presentations, we each interviewed a number of students interested in our respective colleges.
Stephanie in presentation mode

Mark is busy interviewing a UWC student.

What's next for the "six pack"? A day trip to Jakarta!

1 comment:

Skidmore College Rocks! said...

The Six Pack bounce o'er land and the sea,

Saying, "Come look at my college, look, look at me!"

"Come here for ice cream, served all around,"

"Come here for Great Books, they're really profound!"

"We're not near Uganda, we didn't enroll Ms. Jane Fonda,"

"While Paul Newman's yours, and he's handsome and hip, in OUR town we invented the potato chip!"

Good luck to you all, you tell them in jest, apply, apply, give it your best.

We won't take you all, a fraction indeed, as our application numbers grow like the weeds!

But please apply, you have much to bring, to our communities, close knit like a string.

Good bye and good luck, we're off once again we now trade our Sing, for much less in Yen.

It's Kobe Beef, at our next stop, as long as we find the right subway to hop.