NYSACAC conference

The New York State Association for Admissions Counseling annual conference was held last week at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York. The conference is held every year at a different New York State college and is a great opportunity for admissions counselors and guidance counselors/college advisers to see one another, network and make new friends. The "NizzyACAC" conference is what I look forward to at the end of every year; kinda like the prom:) The conference keynote speaker was Jonathan Kozol, a highly regarded educator/author. I was very interested to hear about the work he is doing with the Barrack Obama regarding education policy.

One of my favorite aspects of the conference is the chance to see another college campus. I inevitably fall in love with the host institution every conference and Manhattanville was no exception. The student workers we met were incredible ( I bonded with the Hawaiian students), the facilities were impressive and the professors I met were very impressive. Conference participants also have the "luxury" of staying in the dorms!

A picture from inside the "castle" at Manhattanville

Most of the Skidmore crew inside our dorm room

Dalton Conley addressed the conference on Tuesday night. I asked him to sign my copy of his book, Honky.

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